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Meet the Author: Allison Wei

I'm a student at the University of Michigan majoring in business with a minor in writing. After volunteering at Mercy House for a year, I created this project as part of my WRITING220 Gateway Course for the writing minor. 


In my free time, I love journaling, baking, and spending way too much time reading at coffeeshops. You can also find me blogging on Medium from time to time at

© Elana Ho

A few long overdue thank you's...

Although this project technically has my name on it, in reality, many people made this project possible. I want to thank the following:


  • Justina, Kristian, and Gracie for sharing their stories: Your stories are the heart and center of this project. Thank you for being vulnerable and brave enough to share your stories with the public - it is truly a gift. I have learned something from each and every one of you and am inspired by your lives to live with more gratitude and hope.


  • Gracie for connecting me with people to interview: This project would not have happened without you. You’re always busy doing incredibly important work, and yet, I thank you for investing your valuable time and energy to make this happen. From the time I first brought the project idea to you to now, thank you for believing enough in this project to help me see it through.


  • Elana Ho who took basically all the photos on this website: Elana is a professional photographer who also happens to be my roommate! Elana, it was such a privilege to collaborate with you, you sweet beautiful soul. View more of her AMAZING work on Instagram @elanakhphotography or on her website


  • Bryce Allmacher for helping me put together the Take Action section: Bryce works for the Ann Arbor Housing Commission, a government agency that provides affordable housing to Washtenaw County residents. Thank you for helping me gain a better understanding of homelessness in Washtenaw County and the different policy solutions. Your insight and expertise on this topic have been invaluable!


  • Mercy House and all the people that make up its wonderful community: You are the reason why I created this project in the first place - people like Peggy and Will and David and Alonzo, to name a few. Thank you for welcoming me into your family and creating a space I look forward to coming to on Saturdays. 


  • My WRITING220 groupmates and Julie Babcock: Thank you for cheering me on through this whole process and for providing invaluable feedback - I'm definitely a better writer (and hopefully human as well!) because of you all!

Other References

  • Humans of New York:  Much of this project was modeled after Brandon Stanton's Humans of New York interview/featured profile style. This website's home page was loosely modeled after this page 

  • Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City:  I read the summer before I created this project and 

  • Mercy House's website

  • Washtenaw Housing Alliance website

  • Ann Arbor Housing Commission website


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